
Recreating Bikini Bottom's boating school as a simple Ruby app

Primary LanguageRuby

Bikini Bottom's Boating School App

Special thanks to Melaine MacDonald for an amazing project

Welcome to Boating School! This project is meant to help out Bikini Bottom citizens take their boating test to get a license! There are three models, Student, Instructor, and BoatingTest.

Domain Modeling

  • An Instructor has many BoatingTests
  • A Student has many BoatingTests
  • A BoatingTest belongs to a Student and an Instructor

As a kind reminder, try drawing out the relationship before attempting to write code. This will help you think about which models should own what data and which models should ask for information from other models.

Student class

A Student should initialize with a first_name and last_name

  • Student.all
    • Returns all of the student instances
  • Student.full_names
    • Returns an array of all students' full names
  • Student#add_boating_test(instructor, test_name, test_status)
    • Should initialize a new BoatingTest with a Student object, a boating test name (String), a boating test status (String), and an Instructor object
  • Student.find_student(full_name)
    • Takes in a full name as a string and returns back that Student object

BoatingTest class

A BoatingTest should initialize with a Student object, a boating test name (String), a boating test status (String), and an Instructor object

  • BoatingTest.all
    • Returns an array of all boating test instances

Instructor class

An Instructor should initialize with a name as a string.

  • Instructor.all
    • Returns an array of all instructor instances
  • Instructor#fail_student(student_name, test_name)
    • Changes a test's status to being failed
  • Instructor#pass_student(student_name, test_name)
    • Changes a test's status to being passed
  • Instructor#boating_tests
    • Shows all boating tests that this instructor is conducting