
Build https://natelandau.com with Jekyll

Primary LanguageLessOtherNOASSERTION

Test Builds

Everything required to post, edit, deploy, and manage natelandau.com.

Getting Started

  1. Open the repository in a Visual Studio Code development Container.
    • The script .devcontainer/postCreateCommand.sh should run automatically to install required packages
  2. Ensure pre-commit is installed by running pre-commit install --install-hook
  3. Authorize Github using the gh cli
    • gh auth login
    • Use SSH and default values
  4. Optionally, run gh issue list to make the site better by closing an open issue from Github.
  5. That's it. Happy blogging.

Adding and Deploying Content

  • All site assets live in the site/ directory.
  • Any markdown files within site/ are automatically converted to html
  • Edit LESS files for CSS changes. All CSS files are generated automatically from Grunt routines
  • Liquid tags can be used in any file and will be parsed when the site is built
  • Preview changes locally using grunt serve

Posts and Templates

Responsive Images

The jekyll-responsive_image plugin automatically creates optimized renditions of images for different sizes. Use this functionality in a post or a page copy and paste the following snippet and edit as needed.

{% responsive_image
  path: img/path/to/image.jpg
  alt: "alt..."
  link: "https://somelink.com"

Here are the configurable options

  • path - The path to the image
  • alt - the alt text for the image
  • link - When populated by a URL, will wrap the image tag in a link.

301 Redirects for Posts

Jekyll Redirect-From plugin creates 301 redirects for posts. Useful if a slug/permalink is changed. To use add the following to a post's YAML front-matter.

    - /old/relative/url/

Note: Redirects for pages not managed by Jekyll are contained in deploy_to_s3.yml


Comments are provided by Giscus (Github repo)

To moderate, use the Github Discussions web interface.


The categories used for posts are collected in a data file _data/categories.yml. This file is used to drive the categories that appear in the footer of the site.

Build Pipelines

Build the site using pipelines from Gruntjs.

These pipelines:

  • Compile LESS into CSS
  • Lint files
  • Build with Jekyll
  • Minify & Compress files
  • Serve locally and watch for changes
Command Action
grunt build_dev Build the dev site, open a browser window, watch for changes
grunt build_stage Build the staging site
grunt build_prod Build the production site
grunt build_all Build all versions of the site
grunt serve Build the dev site, open it in a browser window and watch for changes
grunt deploy_stage Builds the staging site and compresses files with gzip. Use this if uploading to S3 with gzip flag set
grunt deploy_prod Builds the production site and compresses files with gzip. Use this if uploading to S3 with gzip flag set
grunt links Checks all posts for broken links

Deploying Changes

Always follow these steps to deploy the site

  1. Make changes in main

  2. Run grunt serve and QA the site locally

  3. Sync merge main into staging to kick off a deployment to the staging S3 bucket

    # Enter the staging branch
    git checkout staging
    # Merge all commits to `main` into `staging`
    git merge main
    # Push changes to Github
    git push
  4. QA the staging site on S3

  5. Deploy to production to delete all files from the staging bucket and deploy to production

    # Enter the staging branch
    git checkout production
    # Merge all commits to `main` into `staging`
    git merge main
    # Push changes to Github
    git push

Manually run a Github workflow

To force the running of a Github workflow via the Github CLI follow these steps:

  1. Authenticate with Github: gh auth login
  2. Select a workflow to run: gh workflow run. To run from a branch add --ref="branch_name"

Deploy from Local

It is possible to deploy the site without using Github workflows.

Set the necessary ENV variables.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[secret]
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_K[secret]
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=[secret]

Build the appropriate version of the site

# Staging site
grunt deploy_stage

# Production site
grunt deploy_prod

Run scripts/deploy-to-s3.sh with the appropriate options.

Git Conventions

Conventional Commits

This project uses conventional commits.

  • To commit changes to git run cz c
  • To release a new version run cz bump then git push --tags

Detect Secrets

Detect-secrets package keeps secrets from being inadvertently added to the repository. If the detect-secrets pre-commit hook fails, follow these steps.

# Update the baseline (.secrets.baseline)
detect-secrets scan --baseline .secrets.baseline

# Audit the baseline
detect-secrets audit .secrets.baseline

Updating development environment

If grunt can not be found run this command:


NPM Packages

# List outdated packages
npm outdated

# Update outdated packages
npm update

Ruby Packages

# List outdated packages
bundle outdated --only-explicit

# Update outdated packages
bundle update