
Contains my solutions for my CS I & II done during Spring 2018

Primary LanguageHTML

This is a Java algorithms code sample repo from CS I & II

ee is the eclipse dir.

  • Town_path

    • Created a Graph class For Graph<V,E>, V is the vertex type (a Town), E is the edge type (a Road). *stored the graph, using an adjacent matrix as Set and Set. Due to specifications of the project.
    • The program uses a GUI to interface with user.
    • you can also load data from a file in this format "road-name,miles;town-name; town-name".
    • Finally the programe uses Dijkstra shortest path to find the shortest between two nodes if possible.
  • DS

    • This has all the java generic data structures that are past Link list.
  • Cyber Ciphers

    • This program allows Caeser and Bellos Ciphers Encryption and Decryption
  • DoubleLinkLists

    • Has a sorted and unsorted double linklist generic ofcourse
  • FixExpressions

    • A GUI program that uses stacks and queues to convert infix to postfix expressions and vice versa and can evalute them.
  • Sales Report

    • A GUI application starts ,and the user is shown display of Store Names and Item Names User can select Load Sales Data to select the file containing the sales data. The application then displays the sales for each store and each item as well as the totals for the store and the totals for the item. The store with the highest sales for each item will be highlighted
  • Chat Room

    • A centrailize chat room that can facalted mulipal users.
    • It uses socket programming and multithreading.
  • More/other projects