
The Whack-A-Mole web app is a simulation of the classic whack-a-mole game where a picture of a mole moves in a grid of nine squares and the user will have to catch and hit the mole to increase score within the amount of time they have.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

App Description

The Whack-A-Mole web app is a simulation of the classic whack-a-mole game where a picture of a mole moves in a grid of nine squares and the user will have to catch and hit the mole to increase score within the amount of time they have.

App Walk-through (DEMOv1)

gif walk through


  • Mole moves to random square every sec
  • Keeps track of score
  • Start and reset buttons to start and restart game

To-Do (DEMO)

  • Add a list to keep highscore
  • Used gist
  • Connect it to a mongodb
  • Sorted leaderboard
  • Add user to leaderboard from form
  • Deployed in EC2
  • Resolve issues

Quick Strart

  • cd backend
  • npm install
  • npm serve
  • in backend dir mongod --dbpath /System/Volumes/Data/data/db