Experiment: Astro Editor


This kinda works! It's a proof-of-concept using a local Vite plugin that allows you to edit your content in-context. Simply place a use:editor directive on your content's parent, and suddenly you have a live editor.

I skipped over the hard parts in favor of getting the basic idea working. I'm hoping this serves as inspiration for other folks.

The plugin itself (located in astro-editor/) creates a middleware endpoint that handles editor updates and syncs them back to the sourcefile. The client is responsible for POSTing updates to that server endpoint. In order to maintain client-side state, the plugin also disables HMR/reloads for .md files.


Add the Vite plugin to your Astro config.

// astro.config.mjs
import editor from './astro-editor/plugin.mjs'

export default {
    vite: {
        plugins: [editor()]

In your Layout file, wrap the <slot> contents in <div use:editor>. Styling and attributes will still apply when the editor is active.

// src/components/BlogPost.astro

<div class="post" use:editor>
    <slot />