
Provides a simple, event-based API for Gamepads on the web

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🕹 Gamepad

The goal of Gamepad is to provide normalized behavior and a higher-level API for interacting with the web's Gamepad API.

Using a plugin-based architecture, Gamepad provides button and axis mappings for common controllers, allowing you to easily add support for any subset of controllers.


  • CDN global utility via https://unpkg.com/@gamepad/core
  • ESM via import { GamepadEventEmitter } from '@gamepad/core'
  • CJS via const { GamepadEventEmitter } = require('@gamepad/core')


Simple By default, @gamepad/core supports any controller with a standard mapping defined on the Gamepad.mapping property.

import { GamepadEventEmitter } from '@gamepad/core';

new GamepadEventEmitter();

window.addEventListener('gamepadbuttondown', (event) => {
    // The value of the button pressed, considering controller layout
    // Similar to `KeyboardEvent.key`

    // The physical button pressed
    // Similar to `KeyboardEvent.code`

Plugins Without a standard controller mapping, @gamepad/core can support any controller using a plugin to map the controller's buttons and axes. Here's an example using @gamepad/plugin-joycon.

import { GamepadEventEmitter } from '@gamepad/core';
import joycon from '@gamepad/plugin-joycon';

new GamepadEventEmitter({
    plugins: [

window.addEventListener('gamepadbuttondown', (event) => {