
Supporting research using mobility data

Primary LanguagePython

ANET Mobility project

Reports so far

To play around with the data

1. fork and clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/sscu-budapest/mobility

(preferably fork it first)

2. install deps

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. get the sample data

if you are using the anet server:

dvc pull

otherwise, set up the anet server to be anetcloud in ssh config and then

dvc pull --remote anetcloud-ssh

4. load some samples and look around

from src.data_dumps import ParsedCols
from src.load_samples import covid_tuesday

def total_range(s):
    return s.max() - s.min()

samp_df = covid_tuesday.get_full_df()

        ParsedCols.lon: ["std", total_range],
        ParsedCols.lat: ["std", total_range],
        ParsedCols.dtime: ["min", "max", "count"],
).agg(["mean", "median"]).T
mean median
lon std 0.033919 0.001588
total_range 0.080638 0.000471
lat std 0.01889 0.001067
total_range 0.045475 0.000336
dtime min 2020-11-03 07:38:23.900066048 2020-11-03 06:33:42
max 2020-11-03 18:43:00.657093888 2020-11-03 21:08:10
count 87.307432 21.0

+ if you want to run something that can run on the full data set, I suggest using dask

from src.data_dumps import ParsedCols
from src.load_samples import covid_tuesday
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

samp_ddf = covid_tuesday.get_full_ddf()

ddf_aggs = (
    samp_ddf.assign(hour=lambda df: df[ParsedCols.dtime].dt.hour)
    .agg({ParsedCols.lon: ["std"], ParsedCols.lat: "std", "dtime": "count"})

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()

ddf_aggs.iloc[:, :2].plot(figsize=(14, 7), ax=ax1, xlabel="hour in the day").legend(
    loc="center left"
ddf_aggs.loc[:, "dtime"].plot(figsize=(14, 7), ax=ax1.twinx(), color="green").legend(
    loc="center right"


load a full week of data

from src.create_samples import covid_sample, non_covid_sample

# this is about 3GB of memory, use get_full_ddf for lazy dask dataframe
cov_df = covid_sample.get_full_df()


  • "reliable user" counts

    • number of pings
    • "do we know where they live"
    • every month at least once a week
    • 30 / day (?)
    • 3 in teh morning, 3 in teh evening
  • dump by month

  • dump by user