
My solutions for Advent of Code, probably not the greatest!

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Hey there!

This repo contains my solutions for Advent of Code. Each folder is named for the year. For example, 2023's Calendar is in the 2023 folder.

This is just for examples! I likely won't be the best at this, but I can get it done at least! If you have suggestions on how to better complete the challenges, open a PR! :)

To run the scripts, first pnpm install. If you're running the scripts on Linux, run pnpm run day:shell <year> <day> <part>. For example, if you wanted to run day 3's part 2 from the year 2023, you'd enter pnpm run day:shell 2023 3 2. If you're running them on Windows, run pnpm run day:ps -- <year> <day> <part>. For example, if you wanted to run day 3's part 2 from the year 2023, you'd enter pnpm run day:ps -- 2023 3 2.


Multiple commits are unverified in the commit history. This is because I was unaware of AoC's license restrictions/copyrights that prevent redistribution of the inputs. Therefore, I've used git-filter-repo to remove all traces of input.txt. However, this causes commits to become unsigned. Future commits made after Dec 8th will be signed.

Also, some of these solutions aren't mine. If that's the case, it has been noted in the solution. Why? I want to learn more than anything, and if I can't figure something out, I'll go see what others have done. Using other's code is a way for me to learn different ways of doing things. Keeping their code in a repo I control ensures that it always exists as long as I'm alive.