A flutter package for Fast, Accurate and Secure Credit card & Debit card scanning
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Embossed Credit Card
#72 opened by furkandvrc - 1
- 2
Crashes on Android
#73 opened by EmreTuran99 - 15
Future of Card Scanner ( Exciting 😎 )
#29 opened by nateshmbhat - 0
Web Support
#74 opened by yunusemrecetin - 8
The scan does not work. It shows the scanning animation but the card was never recognized.
#59 opened by gorillatapstudio - 0
How to give dynamic title or remove the sentence => "Scan your card to proceed" ?
#68 opened by lala-naibova - 0
- 1
- 2
Attribute value=(ocr) from [:credit_card_scanner] AndroidManifest.xml:16:13-32 is also present at
#66 opened by abdulla-bey01 - 0
Cannot build iOS with version ^0.6.0
#54 opened by CaoGiaHieu-dev - 2
Pod update Error
#65 opened by gurpreet-ganger - 3
card_scanner Not Support in Android
#63 opened by dineshMadvise - 0
card_scanner: Cannot read credit card
#64 opened by CaioBabler - 3
Card Scanner Text
#47 opened by jpgSouza - 0
- 0
[WARNING]The specified colorspace format is not supported. Falling back on Libyuv.
#61 opened by eduardoh89 - 10
Error when building for Android (1.0.1 version)
#49 opened by Babiosik - 0
- 2
Doesn't work
#57 opened by PationPrime - 3
Card Scanner Issue
#55 opened by daniyalpatel - 3
App crashes on back pressed.
#58 opened by faiqkhan480 - 7
- 0
card images for test
#56 opened by kiaxseventh - 5
not compiling in android , flutter
#52 opened by Div-47 - 1
Error in android files
#53 opened by Faiza-Farooqui - 3
first time use , fatal error ..
#11 opened by imeDevelopers - 0
- 3
Error when I build for iOS with the new version
#44 opened by jpgSouza - 1
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Null safety
#40 opened by sis-tangyuan - 6
Staying in the scanner, no valid cardDetails
#25 opened by flenair - 1
Cannot edit parameters
#32 opened by Wian-TMC - 1
No back button
#33 opened by Wian-TMC - 2
How can I fix this??
#31 opened by leegiseong20030603 - 0
ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:10:9: fatal error: module 'card_scanner' not found @import card_scanner;
#37 opened by ZoraizEjaz - 1
Cannot build iOS with version - ^0.2.0+3
#34 opened by jitheshshetty55 - 1
Getting error when build for android
#26 opened by fabcarvalhal - 0
Getting error while running project
#35 opened by ervinod - 4
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F-Droid inclusion
#28 opened by IzzySoft - 1
#24 opened by mimigithub-prog - 2
CardDetails returns a null result
#22 opened by TheArchitect123 - 2
cardDetails returns nothing
#20 opened by linjmx - 0
missing ELO credit card issuer
#21 opened by CavalcanteLeo - 2
Error in first run
#19 opened by Shakhboz95 - 2
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Is combining middle initials
#14 opened by kgib91 - 1
Is not fixed in portrait
#15 opened by kgib91 - 3
unable to build on android with firebase
#9 opened by savy-91