This is a python library used to get the Top seeded torrents at any given time and get the entire movie details and ratings . Its also useful to search for any movie using different parameters and obtain their magnet link or torrent file of any preferred quality.
- anilsenayIstanbul, Turkey
- canewsinCANewsIn
- Chandler-SongShenzhen, China
- crepttcreptt_it / Moss
- DavidDB33
- deep5050Alumnus Software Pvt. Ltd.
- enesizgiSpintop Network
- gabopupoSão Carlos, Brazil
- gauravssnllocalhost
- hiriosBrazil
- hschmiedhoferVienna, Austria
- iis4ifiiS4iF
- ingenieurboulinWashington DC Metro Area
- jakobkhansenMicrosoft
- jangeador
- john-g-gDetroit
- joricomico
- kuba-orlikPoznań, Poland
- lmbringasSytex
- MatsAndTNorway
- mbpxAtos
- mortolian@mortolio
- nafanz
- NattapongPaka
- nayanabhatmWrench
- NightMachinery
- nthingsDurango, Mexico
- patillacode
- Renscp
- rtdaly
- shadab127
- ShunnyBunnyVienna, VA
- soothsayer011
- susumomagnolia
- Sway-SwayWeThinkCode_
- xfzka