Generates thumbnail images for maryland osu (and hopefully later on, other osu scoreposting channels)
Account for artist/title text that's too long for the screen
generate config.json upon first user installation
- user input API stuff; client secret/key
- default template info (later on)
merge old api stuff
create working ui
- input score URL
- fetch necessary api data
- display rendered image
- frequently call image generator to update, then display image
- add controls for smaller adjustments
- comment text field
create working thumbnail generation
- fetch info from api
- use that info in elements on the image
- Map
- Title
- Artist
- Diffname
- SR
- BKG (image)
- Player
- Name
- PFP (image)
- Score
- Combo
- Mods (use assets)
- Rank (use assets)
- Acc
- pp
- Map
- Add comment to image
- Use font from .ttf file (get from eggpin)
Template style editor
- Adjust parts of template and export as json
- Positions of parts of thumbnail
- Font size, color, etc.
- Background blurring & position adjust
- Placing assets
- Export as either image or template json
- Adjust parts of template and export as json