
Listen to Redis queue and send APNS - Nonfunctional, uses Apple's old binary protocol

Primary LanguageHaskell


Send push notifications from a redis queue.

It's essentially a Drop-in replacement for Urban Airship push notification sending.


Compile with

$ ghc -threaded pusherman.hs

It has the dependencies:

  • hsopenssl
  • http-conduit
  • aeson
  • aeson-lens
  • network-bytestring
  • http-conduit
  • bytestring

Then, create a file called config.json in the same directory as the pusherman binary. config.json should look something like:

  "certificate": "production-push.crt",
  "key": "production-push.key",
  "redis_host": "localhost",
  "redis_list": "notifications",
  "push_log": "push.log" // optional
  "feedback_log": "feedback.log" // optional
  "error_log": "error.log" // optional
  "webhook": "http://localhost:8080/" // optional

Pusherman reads payloads from Redis: they should look something like this:

  "tokens": [ 
  "badge": 0,
  "alert": "The message to send",
  "sound": "RecommendedOffer_1.aif",
  "data": {
    "custom": "variable"

there are a couple non-apns/custom fields in this JSON:

tokens is a list of APNS device tokens
data is an object representing non-apns extra payload data.


It's as simple as running the executable, after all, this is Haskell and not someting like Ruby.

$ ./pusherman

Or, if you want to specify where the config file is (it should still be in the same format)

$ ./pusherman myconfig.json


A webhook URL should be able to respond to a POST request on the URL from the configuration. It takes the parameters timestamp and token.