Run command from history?
bomberstudios opened this issue · 4 comments
bomberstudios commented
Thanks for creating this, I love a simple tool (yay for one liners!)
I may be missing something, but it’d be nice to have an easy way to run one of the commands in the history.
This would probably turn this into a not-a-one-liner-anymore, and maybe ZSH already has a way to turn that list into something runnable, but something like this would be cool (for me, at least 😅):
$> jog
1. ls -la
2. make
3. make clean
4. sudo rm -rf /
Type a number to run the command again, any other key to exit: [ ]
Alternatively, the ability to run a command with jog 3
would also be interesting.
Again, thanks for sharing!
khughitt commented
alias jg='eval `jog | fzf`'
DmitrySandalov commented
Just wrote a Zaw source: DmitrySandalov/zaw-jog
natethinks commented
Love that alias solution. I'm going to close this because jog being a unix style solution, it's easily extensible by piping the output to anything you want.
bomberstudios commented
Nice, thanks!