
home_out calculator_out

WattSumSolar is a rails app that uses solar data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, to calculate the upfront cost of a solar system, total electricity output of the system, the percentage of the systems offset based on the homeowners current electricity usage, and a graph that shows monthly electricity output. The app is mostly build on the client side, utilizing JavaScript, and a D3 library.

Production is hosted here.


All testing in Wattsumsolar was done via RSpec-rails. The coverage was tested using simplecov.

Running tests

Once you have the repo cloned, make sure to reset the database on your local machine and run bundle install.

In order to run the tests, enter rspec in the command line.

If you would like to run a specific test enter, the whole path of that test, preceeded by the rspec command: ie.

rspec spec/models/pv_watt_spec.rb

In order to see coverage for the testing suite simply type the command open coverage/index.html and it will show the index page for our simple cov code coverage.