
Windows Server 2016 Nano Server with Node.js

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Windows Server 2016 Nano Server with Node.js


This is a Windows Container image with Windows Server 2016 Nano Server base OS image and Node.js.

You can find the Dockerfile on GitHub.

This article is a quick tutorial for running Docker on Windows 10.


Name Version
microsoft/nanoserver image 10.0.14393.*
Node.js 8.2.1 (x64)

How to use?

Pull this image from Docker Hub

Before pulling, make sure your Docker is running in Windows Container mode.

Run docker pull compulim/nanoserver-node to pull the image to your local repository.

Run the Docker image

Run docker run --rm -it compulim/nanoserver-node to run Node.js in CLI mode.

Node.js and npm is located at C:\node. PATH environment variable is set for your convenience.


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