What is cartodb-python?

The cartodb-python project is a Python client for the CartoDB SQL API that supports authentication using OAuth or API key.


You can install cartodb-python by cloning this repository or by using Pip, a Python package installer similar to easy_install:

pip install cartodb

Or if you want to use the development version:

pip install -e git+git://github.com/Vizzuality/cartodb-python.git#egg=cartodb

Note that cartodb-python depends on the ouath2 module:

pip install oauth2

And if you're running python prior to 2.6 you need to install simplejson:

pip install simplejson

Usage example

The following example requires your CartoDB API consmer key and consumer secret or the API KEY. Refer to the CartoDB Authentication documentation for details.

Using oAuth

from cartodb import CartoDBOAuth, CartoDBException

user =  'me@mail.com'
password =  'secret'
cartodb_domain = 'YOUR_CARTODB_DOMAIN'
cl = CartoDBOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, user, password, cartodb_domain)
    print cl.sql('select * from mytable')
except CartoDBException as e:
    print ("some error ocurred", e)


You can get you api key in https://YOUR_USER.cartodb.com/your_apps/api_key

from cartodb import CartoDBAPIKey, CartoDBException

cartodb_domain = 'YOUR_CARTODB_DOMAIN'
cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, cartodb_domain)
   print cl.sql('select * from mytable')
except CartoDBException as e:
   print ("some error ocurred", e)


cartodb.sql(sql, [parse_json, do_post, format])

executes the sql and returns the result

- parse_json: default True, parse the result from CartoDB and returns a python object instead of
  a string
- do_post: use POST instead of GET to fetch results from CartoDB. It's recommended to set this
  param to False if the queries are reading data to use CartoDB caches.
- format: one of the ones supported by CartoDB: 'json' (default), 'geojson', 'shp', 'csv',
  'kml'. When using a format different than 'json' or 'geojson' ``parse_json`` takes no effect
  and it's always set to False

raises CartoDBException

Note for people using version 0.4

With the new API key auth now you have two options to authenticate so the class CartoDB has been replaced with CartoDBOAuth and CartoDBAPIKey.

In order to migrate your code to this version you have to replace

from cartodb import CartoDB


from cartodb import CartoDBOAuth as CartoDB

Running tests

Clone the repo, create a secret.py from secret.py.example, fill the variables and execute:

python setup.py test