Advent of Code Solutions in Multiple Programming Languages

This repository is a collection of solutions to the Advent of Code puzzles, implemented in as many programming languages as possible. The Advent of Code is an annual event that takes place in December, consisting of a series of 25 daily programming puzzles, released each day leading up to Christmas.

The aim of this repository is to provide solutions to each of these puzzles in different programming languages, showcasing the different approaches and techniques used to solve them.

Getting Started

To get started with this repository, simply clone or download the code to your local machine. Each puzzle is stored in a separate directory, named according to the day it was released. Within each directory, you will find the solutions implemented in various programming languages.


Contributions to this repository are more than welcome! If you have a solution to a puzzle that has not yet been implemented in a particular programming language, feel free to add it to the repository.

Before submitting a pull request, please ensure that your code adheres to the following guidelines:

  • The code must solve the puzzle correctly.
  • The code should be well-documented and easy to read.
  • The code should be free of bugs and errors.
  • The code should be implemented in a way that showcases the features and strengths of the programming language being used.


The following programming languages have been used to implement solutions to the puzzles so far:

  • Go


Special thanks to the Advent of Code creators for providing such a fun and challenging event every year!