Vector Database with FastAPI

The aim of this project is to develop an API to create a vector database using ChromaDB with FastAPI.

For testing, I use one of my papers, which can be found at /files.


There are two functions in, that are responsible to create and delete database.

The steps to create the vector database are:

  1. Load the documents that I want to persist in the vector database
  2. Create chunks using a text splitter from Langchain
  3. Load an embedding function to create embeddings from the chunks. In this project, I use a open-souce model "all-MiniLM0L6-v2" which is avaiable at
  4. Persist documents in ChromaDB

The step to delete the vector database is delete the related folder.

API Creation

It was defined three methods:

  1. Create database, using GET.
  2. Delete database, using DELETE.
  3. Querying database, using POST.

Querying database

For POST method, it was defined a simple data validation using pydantic which can be found at In this file, a class is created to guarantee data types. For query is str and for number of neighbours is int.

Querying database