This package generates the MC simulation for the Hall A HRSs using the Single Arm version.

1. phase_space_fall16

Generates events from the spectrometer and reconstruct them back after passing through the magnets and the detectors.
As it is right now, it only works for the LHRS 
###Input files:
input/file.inp where file means the target to be analized (d2,h3,he3): has the information of the target.
input/runplan.inp : contains the kinematic information
runid, E0, p0, theta, specx_off, specy_off, specz_off
id: run number or de kinematic number.
E0: the Beam Energy
p0: the Electron Momentum
theta: spectrometer angle
specx_off: Spectrometer x offset  
specy_off: Spectrometer y offset
specz_off: Spectrometer z offset

# In the phase_space_fall16 folder
make clean

#### Executing:
# In the phase_space_fall16 folder

./mc_hrs_single	file runid tarid

file: name in the input folder (d2,h3,he3¦)
runid: runid number in the runplan.inp file
tarid: target identification number (1=d2, 2=h3, 3=he3)

#### Output
i. Summary of the simulation: outfiles/t2_"runid"_"tarid".hist
ii. ntuple with all the information of the sumulation worksim/t2_"runid"_"tarid".rzdat 

2. Weighting

Take the ntuples generated by the single arm montecarlo along with the cross section table, and use them to
generate the physics and the spectrometer variables that can be compared directly with the data.

###Input files:

i) input.dat
Name : (useless for now)
ngentot : (the total number of events generated in the MC)
maxev 	: Maximum numbers of events to be analilzed (In the most unlikely scenario it will be up  to the number of events generated)
dxp   	:  Theta reconstruction cut (mRad)
dyp   	:  Phi reconstruction cut (mRad)
delup	:  dP/P reconstruction cut (%), upper limit
deldown	:  dP/P reconstruction cut (%), lower limit
cs_flag	:  Not sure what is for (not being use at the moment)
rc_flag	:  Radiative Corrections Flag (0:no, 1:yes)

ii) targetdata.dat
(1) tarid
(2) Z
(3) Target Length (cm)
(4) Targar Mass (uma)
(5) A 
(6) Target density (gm/cm2)
(7) Target Name

iii) table.out."runid"."tarid"
It is the output of the XEMC code.
(1) A 
(2) Z
(3) E (Beam Energy)
(4) E' Scatter electron momentum
(5) Scatter Angle
(6) Born Crooss Section (nb/sr/GeV)
(7) Radiative Crorrection Factor
(8) Xbj
(9) Q2
This table will be used to assign the physics weight for each point simulated by the phase space simulation.

iv) The output file of the phase space simulation  ~/phase_space_fall16/t2_"runid"_"tarid".rzdat 

# In the weighting folder
make clean

#### Executing:
# In the weighting folder

./recon_MC runid tarid

#### Output
The output file is output/mc_"runid"_"tarid".rzdat
To convert to root use:
h2root mc_"runid"_"tarid".rzdat