
linq2db.include adds Entity Framework style Include (eager loading) to linq2db

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linq2db.include adds Entity Framework style Include (eager loading) to linq2db

Getting Started

From NuGet:

  • Install-Package linq2db.include -IncludePrerelease - .NET & .NET Core

.net platforms

linq2db.include works on .net standard 2.0, .net core 2.0 and .net framework 4.5 and above

Explain how to run the automated tests for this system

How to use

linq2db.include uses the existing linq2db mappings - specifically the association mappings - to work the relationship between entities. To use linq2db.include simply ensure that the associations are mapped in the IDataContext.

linq2db.include adds include functionality through extension methods.
Simply add the line below to the top of the file.

using LinqToDB.Include;

Then eager loading can be added to any linq2db IQueryable<T> object as shown below.

var query = from p in db.People
                p.FirstName == "Billy"
            select p;

query = query.Include(x => x.Spouse);

IEnumerables can be added like this.

query = query.Include(x => x.Children.First());

Or like this.

query = query.Include(x => x.Children[0]);

linq2db.include allows for nested includes, like this.

query = query.Include(x => x.Spouse.CurrentJob);

And through IEnumerable members like this.

query = query.Include(x => x.Children[0].School);

Or this.

query = query.Include(x => x.Children.First().School);


linq2db.include can handle inherited types and their nested properties. Properties of inherited types can be eager loaded as shown below.

lobQuery.Include(x => x.Orders[0].ProductLines.OfType<ExtendedProductLine>().First().PropertyOfExtendedClass);


productLineQuery.Include(x => ((ExtendedProductLine)x).PropertyOfExtendedClass);


Extra filters can be added to nested items to limit the child entities that are loaded.

lobQuery.Include(x => x.Orders.First(), x => x.OrderQty > 10);

It is important that the first call to .Include method sets the result back to the variable that is going to be executed. This is because the Include method returns an object of type IncludableQueryable which is required for the eager loading to work. It is this object that must be used to execute the query.

This is correct.

var query = from p in db.People
                p.FirstName == "Billy"
            select p;

query = query.Include(x => x.Spouse);
var people = query.ToList();

This is incorrect.

var query = from p in db.People
                p.FirstName == "Billy"
            select p;

query.Include(x => x.Spouse);
var people = query.ToList();

After the first call to .Include subsequent calls do not need to handle the return value, as show below.

var query = from p in db.People
                p.FirstName == "Billy"
            select p;

query = query.Include(x => x.Spouse);
query.Include(x => x.CurrentJob);
var people = query.ToList();

Composing Queries

Queries can still be composed as they normally would be using linq2db.
This will retain the include config.

var query = from p in db.People
                p.DOB > DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10)
            select p;

query = query.Include(p => p.Children.First());

query = from p in query
            p.LastName = "Smith"
        select p;

This will not.

var query = from p in db.People
                p.DOB > DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10)
            select p;

query = query.Include(p => p.Children.First());

var jobQuery  = from p in query
                    p.LastName = "Smith"
                select p.CurrentJob;


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details