
An std::iostream derived C++ class for synchronous socket I/O.

Primary LanguageC++

socketstream is a header-only library for socket I/O.

The following classes are defined:

		An std::streambuf derived class that implements a raw socket

		An std::iostream derived class that implements high-level 
		stream input/output on a swoope::socketbuf.

socketstream works with POSIX and Windows. Compatible with C++03,
move semantics enabled for C++11.

Author: Mark Swoope
Date: July 2017

Compiling and running the examples:

If you are using the Visual C++ compiler, the commands:

cl /EHsc server_example.cc ws2_32.lib
cl /EHsc client_example.cc ws2_32.lib

should compile the example programs when issued from a Developer Command Prompt for VS.

If you are using the MinGW compiler, then the commands would be:

g++ -D _WIN32 -o server_example.exe server_example.cc -lws2_32
g++ -D _WIN32 -o client_example.exe client_example.cc -lws2_32

For Linux and Mac, the commands are:

g++ -o server_example.exe server_example.cc
g++ -o client_example.exe client_example.cc

(.exe extention is optional for Linux and Mac)

After compiling successfully, to test the programs first run:

server_example.exe 6789

in one terminal window, then run

client_example.exe localhost 6789

In another terminal window and begin entering lines of text into the client terminal window to see the server echo them back.