CART (Culling Abstracts for Relevancy in Teams) provides a way for a team of individuals to complete the first step in most systematic review projects: culling, in teams, a large set of research papers (i.e., titles and abstracts) based on per-project relevancy criteria.

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License: MIT status

Built with Material for MkDocs

Culling Abstracts for Relevancy in Teams

CART provides a way for teams of researchers to "cull" through a large set of papers when conducting a systematic review—also known as an "SoK." CART uses ngrok (a free service for temporary website creation), to zero-step the startup time for collaborative relevancy checking—you may also run the service locally on localhost for testing or point a server at the service.


Documentation for CART is available on Read the Docs.


Let's assume you just started a new SoK project, like this one. The first step in the project will be to review conference publications from the past n years to determine if each paper is relevant to your SoK's particular topic. So you'd have a larger number of papers to review (something like n=10,000), and you will likely only be reading the titles and abstracts of these papers to determine relevancy; you also likely want one or more team members to review each paper (to get a less biased relevancy determination or split the work up). What you need is a way to review a large number of paper titles and abstracts, "vote" on the relevancy of each paper, and have a system to keep track of your votes.

Enter CART: a system for voting on a large number of abstracts in teams.


CART allows teams of researchers to collaboratively vote on abstracts via ngrok (a unified ingress platform 
for developers), providing an ephemeral or static (flags in CART) website for researchers to conduct their relevancy checks. The program is simple to setup with anaconda:

git clone https://github.com/nathanReitinger/CART
--UNIX: conda env create -f cart.yml 
--WINDOWS: conda env create -f cart-windows.yml
conda activate cart
python3 cart.py -c user1 -c user2 <== two users, using localhost

CART places an emphasis on interpretability in coding. Information for each paper being voted on is stored in the /abstracts/ folder; these files can easily be inspected with a text editor, as opposed to a more formal database.

Architecture (in brief)

CART uses the Flask framework, and serves a variety of pages:


  • Home: where users vote on abstracts
  • Progress: how many papers have been voted on
  • History: your votes per paper (allows you to change a vote as well)
  • About: information about your project (editable by team members)
  • Account: login and logout information

The primary cart.py program serves all web pages and updates abstracts located in the abstracts folder. Abstracts must follow an internal convention (more detail here). CART also provides a variety of gamifications to make the coding process easier (e.g., confetti on every nth abstract voted on).


See our contributing guidelines, we'd love the help!



Repo Structure

├── LICENSE.txt
├── README.md
├── abstracts                  // papers as <ID>.csv go here
│   ├── -example_data_big      // example papers (many of them!)
│   │   ├── 1.csv              // formatted as <ID>.csv (ID like primary key)
│   │   ├── ...								
│   │   └── 99.csv							
│   ├── -example_data_small    // example papers (few of them!)
│   │   ├── 1.csv
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── 5.csv
│   ├── -sample_from_scrape/   // folder output for get_data.py 
│   └── -testing               // folder used by test.py to run tests
├── cart.py                    // *************** main program *************** // 
├── docs/                      // documentation for readthedocs
├── info/                      // "about" tab for information on relevancy assessment
├── mkdocs.yml                 // readthedocs
├── paper/                     // JOSS
├── requirements.txt           // install dependencies 
├── sample_get_data/get_data.py// web scraper to populate sample paper data 
├── static/                    // images and CSS for web
├── templates                  // web page HTML files
│   ├── history.html           // past n abstracts you voted on (can change vote)
│   ├── index.html             // home (gamified voting experience)
│   ├── info.html              // "about" page editable by team members
│   ├── progress.html          // total votes cast and who cast them
│   └── start.html             // "account" page for login and logout 
└── testing/test.py            // testing scripts for `CART` app