- Nathanael Tjandra (C14220202)
- Nicholas Sindoro (C14220142)
- Marvel Wilbert Odelio (C14220223)
Watch the demo here: https://youtu.be/yKXV_snfQnI
Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FBYv61zWzr9_iRFKbVQdodDMVboQfmspotKkKoyTneA/edit?usp=sharing
Checkout the live demo here: https://uts-grafkom-31.netlify.app/
- Clone this repository
- Run server on the root folder.
- Open index.html file at client side using any web browser.
Refresh the page to rerun the animation.
- Theme: Line Character
- Environment Concept: Floating Island