
No API? No problem!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


No API? No problem!

Travis Build Status

The What

Based on AngularJS's $httpBackend, backend.js allows you to mock API responses in the browser. Written in vanilla JavaScript, it has 0 dependencies, so you should be able to use it in combination with any library and/or framework.

backend.js does not require any configurations. Simply drop the script in and start mocking up some responses. It works by monkey patching the XMLHttpRequest constructor, allowing all requests to be intercepted. If a request is made and a mocked response is found, backend.js simply serves up that response. Alternatively, if no mocked response is found, then the real XHR object is called to allow your request to pass through.

The Why

Originally, this project was started out of boredom! Then one day I found a need to stub responses in Web Workers, so I decided to revisit it and so it is.



$ npm install --save-dev mocked-backend

Then just require it!

var backend = require('mocked-backend');

Note: backend is only intended to be used within a browser, a CJS module format is available for things like browserify


$ bower install --save-dev backend

You just need to include the backend.js file that comes with the bower install.


Stub a response:

// supports globbing patterns!
backend.when('GET', '/api/users/*').respond({
  name: 'Jake',
  species: 'Dog',
  magicPowers: true,
  location: 'Ooooo'

Then use XHR or any AJAX library you wish to do your tests (jQuery with chai should assertions below):

$.getJSON('/api/users/jake', function (response) {

Declare ajax calls you expect in your test and verify they are called (mocha and jQuery shown below):

beforeEach(function() {
  backend.expectPOST('/signup', {
    username: 'Bob',
    email: 'bob@gmail.com',
    password: 'password'
  }).respond(200, { userId: 3 })

afterEach(function() {

it('should send a post to /signup when the form is filled out and completed', function() {
  $('form.signup [name="username"]').val('Bob');
  $('form.signup [name="email"]').val('bob@gmail.com');
  $('form.signup [name="password"]').val('password');
  $('form.signup [type="submit"]').click();

Async requests are not delayed by default. However, you can specific a different value if you need:

backend.defaults.delay = 100;

and also provide per-stub delay value:

  .when('GET', '/api/users/*')
    delay: 2000
    name: 'Jake',
    species: 'Dog',
    magicPowers: true,
    location: 'Ooooo'

You can also call backend.flush to syncrounously resolve any pending requests, and verifyNoOutstandingRequest to assert there are no requests in flight.


MIT license