Alternative versions of the OpenEnergyMonitor EmonGLCD using different displays

Primary LanguageArduino

emonGLCD open-source wireless graphical display using alternative displays

Now converted for Arduino 1.0

This builds on the OpenEnergyMonitor.org emonGLCD design using alternative graphical displays and adds receive of a remote
temperature sensor and transmit of a locally connected DS18B20 one wire temperature sensor.

Four versions are available including two with touchscreen support.

All the required libraries are linked to in code comments.

Details of a simple remote temperature sensor node can be found here: http://zorg.org/j58

This version uses the KS0108 parallel display. Details of my build using this screen can be found on my blog at
The additional fonts used are available in this repository as Impact.h and Switzerland.h

This version uses the SparkFun LCD-09351 which is a KS0108 type display with an ATmega 168 based serial backpack attached.
NB: This will not work with the default firmware that the LCD-09351 ships with. The default firmware is poor so I have flashed
the backpack with the alternative firmware made by summoningdark which can be found here:
More info on this screen can be found on by blog at http://zorg.org/u9f
Read serialGLCD_Library_Notes.txt for converting the serialGLCD library for Arduino 1.0

This version uses the same SparkFun LCD-09351 as above and a Nintendo DS touchscreen has been added to provide a way to 
change the display. A couple of alternative layouts of the power and temperatures and a menu to control the backlight 
have been created as a demonstration.
More info on this screen and the use of the Nintendo DS touchscreen can be found on by blog at http://zorg.org/u9f
Read serialGLCD_Library_Notes.txt for converting the serialGLCD library for Arduino 1.0

This version uses the ST7565 based LCD with RGB backlight from Adafruit and the Nintendo DS touchscreen. Inludes 3 different
views and changing backlight colour depending on power usage. Details of my build using this screen can be found on my
blog at http://zorg.org/60x