Emonextras ---------- Some simple hacks I use to add features on to emoncms (http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/90) Wunderground.com uploader - wunderground.php -------------------------------------------- Uploads current temperature, humidity, pressure and dewpoint from emoncms database to wunderground.com Air Quality Egg updater - aqe.php --------------------------------- Runs via cron and scrapes NO2 and CO data from airqualityegg.com and posts to emoncms. CSV output - csv.php -------------------- I use this with cosm.com so that cosm can pull data from emoncms. Just give cosm the url to pull from eg. http://yourserver/csv.php Low Battery Voltage Checker - battcheck.php ------------------------------------------- I run this via cron every 24 hours, it checks the emoncms database for battery voltages (inputs ending in _v in my setup) and sends an email with a list of any that are below a set limit. Feed Summary Table - summary.php -------------------------------- I use this to include a summary table of power, kwh, temperatures and humidity in a dashboard. To include it in the dashboard I manually edit the emoncms database to include an extra iframe in the relevant dashboard layout or it can just be used as a standalone script. Tweet kWh - tweet-kwh.php ------------------------- This runs via cron to get the power and gas kWh value every 24 hours and uses ttytter (http://www.floodgap.com/software/ttytter/) to send a tweet with the days usage. Tweet if temperature below 0 - tweet-cold.php --------------------------------------------- Runs via cron and checks the feed for external temperature and uses ttytter to send a tweet if it drops below 0 Includes a dirty hack with a status file so that it only sends again once the temperature has risen above 0 again. Show feed data on Ciseco Pi-Lite LED matrix for Raspberry Pi - PiLiteEmoncms.py ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pulls JSON feed data from emoncms and displays on the Pi-Lite (http://shop.ciseco.co.uk/raspberry-pi/) Requires PiLiteLib from https://github.com/CisecoPlc/PiLite