
For the OSWIN ATmega1284P based Arduino compatible

Primary LanguageC

#For the OSWIN ATmega1284P based Arduino compatible http://zorg.org/oswin/ By Nathan Chantrell.

##Emoncms gateway: oswin_emoncms Receives data from multiple TinyTX sensors and/or emonTX and uploads to an emoncms server. With support for RFM12B, Ciseco XRF, Xbee or OOK radios.

##Arduino core and bootloader: core Copy the oswin directory to your Arduino hardware directory. Uses the Bobuino pinout with the MAX1284 bootloader (http://max1284.homelabs.org.uk/) by Andrew Lindsay, based on maniacbugs Mighty-1284P: http://maniacbug.wordpress.com/2011/11/27/arduino-on-atmega1284p-4/

##RFM12B Support

Use of the RFM12B requires a modification to Jeelib library to add support for ATmega1284P as follows:

In RF12.cpp

Add new pin definitions for OSWIN:

  #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__)

  #define RFM_IRQ     6     // The PIN the IRQ is on
  #define RFM_IRQ_NO  2     // The IRQ number
  #define SS_DDR      DDRC
  #define SS_PORT     PORTC
  #define SS_BIT      5

  #define SPI_SS      10    // PB4, pin 5
  #define SPI_MOSI    11    // PB5, pin 6
  #define SPI_MISO    12    // PB6, pin 7
  #define SPI_SCK     13    // PB7, pin 8


      if ((nodeid & NODE_ID) != 0)
          attachInterrupt(0, rf12_interrupt, LOW);


      #if RFM_IRQ_NO  // If IRQ number is defined use that, if not use IRQ0
      if ((nodeid & NODE_ID) != 0)
          attachInterrupt(RFM_IRQ_NO, rf12_interrupt, LOW);
      if ((nodeid & NODE_ID) != 0)
          attachInterrupt(0, rf12_interrupt, LOW);

OOK Support

OOK support uses the Manchester encoding library here: https://github.com/mchr3k/arduino-libs-manchester

For use at 12MHz (default OSWIN speed) you will need to edit the following section in MANCHESTER.cpp

  Timer 2 is used with a ATMega328.
  http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc8161.pdf page 162
  How to find the correct value: (OCRxA +1) = F_CPU / prescaler / 15625 / 4

  TCCR2A = _BV(WGM21); // reset counter on match
  #if F_CPU == 1000000UL
    TCCR2B = _BV(CS21); // 1/8 prescaler
    OCR2A = (32 >> speedFactor) - 1; // interrupt every 32 counts for base speed
  #elif F_CPU == 8000000UL
    TCCR2B = _BV(CS22); // 1/64 prescaler
    OCR2A = (32 >> speedFactor) - 1; // interrupt every 32 counts for base speed
// Added for 12MHz OSWIN support
  #elif F_CPU == 12000000UL
    TCCR2B = _BV(CS22); // 1/64 prescaler
    OCR2A = (48 >> speedFactor) - 1; // interrupt every 48 counts for base speed
// End addition for 12MHz OSWIN support
  #elif F_CPU == 16000000UL
    TCCR2B = _BV(CS22) | _BV(CS20); // 1/128 prescaler
    OCR2A = (32 >> speedFactor) - 1; // interrupt every 32 counts for base speed
  #error "Manchester library only supports 8mhz, 12mhz, 16mhz on ATMega328"
  TIMSK2 = _BV(OCIE2A); // Turn on interrupt 
  TCNT2 = 0; // Set counter to 0