
A collection of resources for the hobbyists, students, teachers, and makers who want to develop professional-grade embedded systems but who lack the resources of a commercial enterprise.

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Embedded for Everyone

A collection of resources for the hobbyists, students, teachers, and makers who want to develop professional-grade embedded systems but who lack the resources of a commercial enterprise.

See the wiki for this repository for additional information and an explanation of the files contained herein.

File structure

├── Getting-Started-Guides
│   ├── LPC845-BRK
│   │   ├── Command-line
│   │   │   ├── Blinky_v2
│   │   │   ├── Blinky_v3
│   │   │   ├── OpenOCD_and_CMSIS-DAP.sh
│   │   │   └── OpenOCD_and_J-Link.sh
│   │   ├── NXP-MCUXpresso
│   │   ├── Segger-Embedded-Studio
│   │   └── Getting-Started-with-the-LPC845-BRK.pdf
│   ├── MSP430
│   │   ├── CCStudio
│   │   ├── Getting-Started-with-the-MSP430.pdf
│   │   └── MSP430G2553.fzz
│   ├── PIC16-PIC18-dsPIC33
│   │   ├── dsPIC33
│   │   │   ├── Command-line
│   │   │   └── MPLAB-X
│   │   ├── PIC16
│   │   │   ├── Command-line
│   │   │   └── MPLAB-X
│   │   ├── dsPIC33EV32GM002.fzz
│   │   ├── Getting-Started-with-the-PIC16-PIC18-dsPIC33.pdf
│   │   └── PIC16F18446.fzz
│   ├── STM32G031J6
│   │   ├── Command-line
│   │   │   ├── libopencm3
│   │   │   ├── STM32Cube
│   │   │   ├── Start-ST-Link-GDB-Server.sh
│   │   │   └── Start-ST-Link-GDB-Server_v2.sh
│   │   ├── Keil-MDK-Arm
│   │   ├── STM32CubeIDE
│   │   └── Getting-Started-with-the-STM32G031J6.pdf
│   ├── XMC2GO_XMC1100
│   │   ├── Command-line
│   │   │   ├── Blinky
│   │   │   ├── Blinky_v2
│   │   │   └── OpenOCD_and_J-Link.sh
│   │   ├── DAVE
│   │   ├── Segger-Embedded-Studio
│   │   ├── VS-Code
│   │   └── Getting-Started-with-the-XMC2GO-XMC1100.pdf
│   ├── Compatible-Toolchains.csv
│   └── Compatible-Toolchains.ods
├── Printed-Circuit-Boards
│   ├── Breakout-boards
│   │   ├── STM32F030F4P6-Breakout-Boards
│   │   └── STM32G0-Breakout-Boards
│   ├── Eagle-Design-Rule-Files
│   └── Prototyping-PCBs
│       ├── Breadboard-Panelized
│       ├── Breadboard-Single
│       ├── Stripboard-Panelized
│       ├── Stripboard-Single
│       └── README.md
├── Supporting-documents
├── Embedded-for-Everyone.pdf
└── README.md