- 1
Incompatibility with Node 20
#62 opened by tholu - 0
Rollup failed to resolve import
#38 opened by luminous8 - 3
Plugins not loaded
#26 opened by bradlis7 - 0
[vue warn]: Hydration text content mismatch
#30 opened by Yoonseonwoong - 9
Strongly typed $dayjs from useNuxtApp()
#18 opened by bradlis7 - 4
after upgrade to 1.0.14 gives a error
#22 opened by joseehilton147 - 2
Impredictible error on first run
#17 opened by josedotjs - 1
error when using others options
#13 opened by joseehilton147 - 8
Support default language settings?
#7 opened by initred - 4
#8 opened by luminous8 - 2
Vite Error on build
#1 opened by oleghalin