
EE205 Undergradute TA materials - Object oriented programming in C++ examples, Vim shortcuts, and GitHub commands

Primary LanguageC++

GitHub Commands

Git is a type of Version Control System (VCS) that helps developers to work together and maintain a complete history of their work.

Listed below are the functions of a VCS:

  • Allows developers to work simultaneously.
  • Does not allow overwriting each other’s changes.
  • Maintains a history of every version.

Git allows groups of people to work on the same documents (often code) at the same time, and without stepping on each other's toes. It's a distributed version control system.

To clone a remote repository

git clone <repo-link>

To check what branch you're on:

git branch

To check all branches on repo:

git branch -r

To make new branch:

git branch <branchname>

To switch to branch:

git checkout <branchname>

To get new changes:

git fetch --all

To check differences between last commit and current changes:

git diff <filename>

To get changes from GitHub to local

git pull origin <branchname>

To rebase changes from master onto your branch. Get latest updates while still working on your branch. Normally ONLY DO THIS WHEN YOU JUST DO FRESH COMMIT ON YOUR BRANCH. Otherwise you will get merge errors.

git fetch --all
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout <your_branch>
git rebase origin/master

If you get merge errors, follow the special command down there and above steps again.

To view commit history

git log

To upload changes to your branch on GitHub

Step 1 (Add files)

git add <filenames>

Step 2 (Check to ensure the files are correct)

git status

Step 3 (Commit files to history)

git commit -m "Add message here"

Step 4 (Push to branch)

git push origin <branchname>

To merge changes from branch into master branch

Go on GitHub and submit a pull request

To merge changes from master into your working branch

MAKE SURE you are on your branch (do git branch to make sure)

git merge master

To avoid having to enter credentials every time (enter both commands)

git config credential.helper store

then enter this:

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout 7200000000000'

Special commands (BE CAREFUL)

To reset EVERYTHING inside the entire project back to the latest commit. VERY VERY useful when you try to do some experiment and you screw up the project. It's like system restore for github project. BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN USING IT. IT WILL WIPE PERMANENTLY AND YOU CANNOT REVERT.

git reset --hard HEAD

Vim Shortcuts

Editing Text

Enter insert mode to type text


Enter insert mode at end of current line


Enter insert mode at beginning of current line


Begining a new line below the cursor


Replace current character

r + <desired character>

Delete current line


Delete next word


Delete current line and enter insert mode


Delete character at cursor


Delete to beginning of a line


Delete to end of a line


Movement and Navigation

Go to top of page


Go to bottom of page


Go up a character


Go down a character


Go left one character


Go right one character


Go down a page

ctr + f

Go up a page

ctr + b

Move to next word


Move backwards one word


Move cursor to beginning of line


Move cursor to end of line



Copy current line into buffer




Undo the last operation


Redo the last undo

ctr + r


Search document for text


Move to next instance of the result from search



Format entire document


Command Line

Delete stuff on line

ctr + l

Hello additional feature