Rag Adjust
A bit of JavaScript to automatically fix the rag of any body of text. Where you allow your lines to break in a block of text can be very important for readability, and quite tricky within a fluid layout. With this script you can set how and where you want your lines to break, creating a much more pleasing text rag.
First, link to the script in your HTML.
<script src="./js/ragadjust.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Then, in your own JavaScript, set the parameters:
<script src="./js/ragadjust.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
ragadjust('p, li, dd', 'all');
There are only two parameters to set:
ragadjust(elements, method);
- Elements – A CSS selector list of the elements you wish to modify.
- Method – Choose which rag-adjust method you want to employ.
- emphasis – Text of three or less words in bold or italics does not break across lines.
- small-words – Breaks lines before words of three or less characters.
- prepositions – Breaks lines before prepositions.
- dashes – Breaks lines before hyphens and dashes.
Rag Adjust will work in all modern browsers and IE8+.
Appendix: Prepositions matched
- aboard
- about
- above
- across
- after
- against
- along
- amid
- among
- anti
- around
- before
- behind
- below
- beneath
- beside
- besides
- between
- beyond
- concerning
- considering
- despite
- down
- during
- except
- excepting
- excluding
- following
- from
- inside
- into
- like
- minus
- near
- onto
- opposite
- outside
- over
- past
- plus
- regarding
- round
- save
- since
- than
- that
- this
- through
- toward
- towards
- under
- underneath
- unlike
- until
- upon
- versus
- with
- within
- without