GooseGames was created during first Covid-19 lockdown in March/April 2020 (and further added to throughout the Pandemic and beyond) as a way to continue playing some of the in-person tabletop board games that my friends and I enjoyed playing before the lockdowns, over Zoom etc, and a way for me to learn a new front-end framework (Angular) along the way.
It started with the game Just One, and now currently has 5 games implemented -
- Just One
- Fuji Flush
- Werewords
- Letter Jam
- Avalon (a custom version of the social deduction game with some new player roles - For a really slick implementation of the base game see
It's still live and kicking and in occasional light use by friends and I (and some other random people that somehow found it on the internet despite me not publicising it or really engaging in any meaningful SEO!).