
My (former) academic website

Primary LanguageJavaScript


These are the jekyll input files for my academic website. It is mostly static pages, with blog-like peices in some sections to act as course announcements. Layout is partly based on the website of David Sanson

Yaml headers

Here is a description of the yaml headers that I use throughout the site.


  • layout: Layout file to use
  • permalink: Filename. Note if there is no extension (e.g. info), then the file is called index.html inside the appropriate directory.

Title information

The html title is set to $(title) - $(titlesuffix) if both are set. If only one is set, then the hyphen is not inserted. It is useful to set titlesuffix of a section of the site (like a specific course) and then leave title off of the main page, so that the suffix becomes the title. If you use the variable htmltitle, this becomes the html title of the page, regardless of what else is set. In summary:

  • title: The title of the post or page. For post-like pages, this should be shown below the main site header.
  • titlesuffix: Suffix to be appended to the html title.
  • htmltitle: overrides the html title calculation and makes this the one true html title.

Navigation stuff

  • sections: A list of navigational items to be shown in the nav bar. Case sensitive.
  • section: The section of the current page, used to highlight the section in the nav bar. Case insensitive.
  • base: The base (relative to site.url) of the group of pages that have this nav bar. Used to create the links in the nav bar.
  • coursetitle: The title of the course. Used as title in the nav bar/header for anything using the nav-course nav bar.


  • keywords: Used to set meta keywords
  • description: Used to set a meta description
  • feed: Used to set the feed address, which is put into a <link rel="alternate"...>.
  • mathjax: If set to true, this page will load the mathjax javascript
  • sitemap: If set to false, this page will not show up in the sitemap