A simple sparse matrix for values over binary Galois Field - GF(2).
Currently implemented:
- Dictionary of Keys (DOK) : instead of using ( row,col) pair in a map it's broken into a map of maps.
- Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) ,
Future implementations:
import mat "github.com/nathanhack/sparsemat"
Creating a matrix:
m1 := mat.CSRIdentity(3)
m2 := mat.DOKMat(3,3, 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1)
Multiplying: Mul
r := mat.CSRMat(3,3)
r.Mul(m1,m2) // multiplies m1xm2 and stores into r
Accessors: At
and Set
fmt.Printf("value at (%v,%v) is %v\n",1,1,r.At(1,1))
fmt.Printf("value at (%v,%v) is now %v\n",1,1,r.At(1,1))
Slices: Slice
m := mat.DOKMat(1,4, 1,1,1,1) // creates matrix [1 1 1 1]
s := m.Slice(0,1,1,2) // creates a slice (new matrix) of the two middle 1's [1 1]
Transposes: T
t := m.T() // note this creates a new allocated matrix
Version 1.14+