
Advanced Content Tracking by Justin Cutroni for GTM

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Advanced Content Tracking by Justin Cutroni for GTM


Adapted for Google Tag Manager by Simo Ahava

For this code to work, you will need the following:


Create a new Custom Event Trigger, and set Event Name to scrollEvent.


Create the following Data Layer Variables:

{{scrollCategory}} - Variable Name: scrollCategory

{{scrollAction}} - Variable Name: scrollAction

{{scrollLabel}} - Variable Name: scrollLabel

{{scrollValue}} - Variable Name: scrollValue

{{scrollNonInteraction}} - Variable Name: scrollNonInteraction

{{scrollMetric1}} - Variable Name: scrollMetric1

{{scrollMetric2}} - Variable Name: scrollMetric2

{{scrollMetric3}} - Variable Name: scrollMetric3

{{scrollDimension}} - Variable Name: scrollDimension


Create new Universal Analytics Tag of type Event, and set the following fields:

Category - {{scrollCategory}}

Action - {{scrollAction}}

Label - {{scrollLabel}}

Value - {{scrollValue}}

Non-Interaction Hit - {{scrollNonInteraction}}

Custom Dimensions

...set dimension index... - {{scrollDimension}}

Custom Metrics

...set metric index... - {{scrollMetric1}}

...set metric index... - {{scrollMetric2}}

...set metric index... - {{scrollMetric3}}


Create a new Custom HTML Tag, set it to fire on the pages where you want to track scroll depth, and copy-paste the code in script.js into it. Remember to change the contentElement variable with a selector that matches the main content area on your site.