Music sharing website with social features.
Handles users
Handles bands (subset of users)
Has songs (songs can be public/private and belong to certain users)
Added bootstrap
Authorization used for uploading/deleting.
Bands can upload songs
Anyone can stream songs
Only bands can view private songs
To implement (priority):
Improve/fix url_for_song helper function
change routing to show band names instead of user_id
ensure users are only uploading approved formats.
Add testing for everything (oops)
Add mailer (introduce new users to the site)
To implement (low priority):
Songs have votes/likes
Add albums and artwork
Add track number (and ordering)
Add javascript
Add bios to users
Add user listing page
Make the site prettier
Tidy up and refactor code whenever possible
Potential Technologies to look at and use:
Javascript (coffeescript, jquery, angular, backbone, etc…)
Things to consider:
Uniqueness of song names?
case sensitive band names?