
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Live Cell Reporter Imaging

author: Nathaniel Evans
email: evansna@ohsu.edu

Sensitivity analysis use:

This will run many single-run analysis and save the results to disk.

$ ./HER2_sensitivity_runs.sh

NOTE: variables within HER2_sensitivity_runs.sh will need to be modified.

Single-run analysis use:

$ python HER2_classifier.py --data ./HER2_SKBR3_data_6-7-21/ --drug neratinib --sensitive_line WT --resistant_line T798I --load normalized --nclus 15 --out ./output/ --resample_sz 100 --burnin 0


The outputs of Samuel's processing can be extracted to the necessary file structure using:

$ ./HER2_extract_data2.sh 

NOTE: variables within HER2_extract_data2.sh will need to be changed for each run.

directory to data files, should be organized as:

            -> clover_all_cell.csv
            -> mscarlet_all_cell.csv
            -> clover_all_cell.csv
            -> mscarlet_all_cell.csv


Can be trastuzumab or neratinib


The cell line to use as sensitive labels [WT]


The cell line to use as resistant labels [T798I, ND611]


Whether to use the normalized or raw data.


The number of clusters to use.


Directory path to save results to


length of time series to resample to


number of initial time points to ignore in analysis

Concordance Calls

Use HER2_sensitivity_results_analysis [<drug>].ipynb to aggregate the results of the sensitivity analysis, make concordance calls, and save results to file.

Conda environment

$ conda env create --file environment.yml