Live Cell Reporter Imaging


Project in Dr. Gordon Mills Lab at Oregon Health and Science University led by Dr. Samuel Tsang, data analysis by Nate Evans (

To run analysis...

  1. Download data from one drive. Email for access.

    • if you are extracting the relevant files from Samuel's file structure, then use ./src/
  2. Unpack zip files ./data/

  3. build and activate the conda environment

# build conda env if necessary 
conda env create -f environment.yml 

# activate env 
conda activate lc_reporter 
  1. Run analysis bash script (Note: this can take quite a while; 8+ hours):
$ cd ./src/
$ ./

See for input/output paths/

  1. Aggregate the results by:
$ python --input ../output/ --out ../output/
  1. Use the sensitivity_analysis.ipynb notebook to visualize sensitivity analysisresults.

  2. Finalize results (aggregate across sensitivity analysis runs) by:

$ python --input ../output/ --output ../output/

This script aggregates all results by (cell line, treatment, mutant, batch) and merges the batch effect flag.

Will save 5 files:

- final_results.csv -- (all results)
- final_results-sorted-EFM192A;NERATINIB.csv
- final_results-sorted-EFM192A;TRASTUZUMAB.csv
- final_results-sorted-SKBR3;NERATINIB.csv
- final_results-sorted-SKBR3;TRASTUZUMAB.csv

Results are sorted by the mean probability of resistance across all sensitivity analysis runs.

Data Dictionary


applies to:

- final_results.csv 
- final_results-sorted-EFM192A;NERATINIB.csv
- final_results-sorted-EFM192A;TRASTUZUMAB.csv
- final_results-sorted-SKBR3;NERATINIB.csv
- final_results-sorted-SKBR3;TRASTUZUMAB.csv

cell_line: SKBR3 or EFM192A

treatment: neratinib or trastuzumab

mutant: specific mutation induced in the HER2 gene

batch: dataset source

mean: average probability of resistance, aggregated across all sensitivity analysis runs

std: standard deviation of probability of resistance, aggregated across all sensitivity analysis runs

q05: 5th percentile of probability of resistance, aggregated across all sensitivity analysis runs

q95: 95th percentile of probability of resistance, aggregated across all sensitivity analysis runs

min: minimum value of probability of resistance, aggregated across all sensitivity analysis runs

max: maximum value of probability of resistance, aggregated across all sensitivity analysis runs

any_flag: proportion of batch effect flags across all sensitivity analysis runs


pc1: First principle component, latent representation of a cell line's response to drug (many cell's reporter values over time)

pc2: Second principle component

treatment: The drug treatment used in a given condition.

mutant: The cell lines induced HER2 mutation used in a given condition

batch: The experimental batch identifier. Each batch has it's own set of sensitive and resistant controls.

cell_count: The number of cells measured and recorded for each mutant in a given batch and treatment. Note, there will be a unique cell count for each unique (batch,mutant,treatment) observation.

prob_res: Predicted probability of resistance [as defined by the resitant controls].

prob_sens: Predicted probability of sensitivty [as defined by the sensitive controls (WT, treated)].

call: [sens, res] Most probable call (binary)

run_id: Unique analysis identifier; necessary for distinguishing results from different analysis with different hyperparameters in the sensitivity analysis.

cell_line: The cell line used in a given condition (SKBR3, EFM193A)

drug_check: QC check that merge performed properly.

pc1_coef: Batch PCx adjustment; If batch correction is used, then $pcx = pcx_uncor - pcx_coef$. Nan if batch correction not used.

pc1_pval: Batch effect significance, as measured by ANOVA [Fit regression using controls: PCx ~ batch].

pc2_coef: Batch PCx adjustment; If batch correction is used, then $pcx = pcx_uncor - pcx_coef$. Nan if batch correction not used.

pc2_pval: Batch effect significance, as measured by ANOVA [Fit regression using controls: PCx ~ batch].

pc1_uncor: The uncorrected PCx values. Nan if batch correction not used.

pc2_uncor: The uncorrected PCx values. Nan if batch correction not used.


accuracy(train): The classifier accuracy on training data (sensitive and negative controls, treated); Describes how separable the controls are.

pc1_var: Amount of variance explained by PCx

pc2_var: Amount of variance explained by PCx

kmeans_inertia: The inertia (within cluster sum of squares) of the time-series k-means fit.

res_line: Resistant mutant used in a given analysis; Note: "line" is a misnomer, it does not refer to SKBR3 or EFM192A.

sens_line: Sensitive mutant used in a given analysis; Note: "line" is a misnomer, it does not refer to SKBR3 or EFM192A.

drug: The drug used, synonymous with treatment in other results .csvs.

nclus: The number of clusters used in the time-series k-means fit.

resample_sz: The time series resample size used.

load: [normalized, raw] The data form used in the analysis. TODO: Link to description of normalization.

burnin: The burn-in used in the analysis - this is the number of measured points removed from the beginning of each cell lines time series. Intended to alieve batch effects and remove the common high-to-low reporter behavior observed at the beggining of an experiment.

batch_corrected: [True, False] whether PC-space batch correction was applied.

run_id: Unique analysis identifier; necessary for distinguishing results from different analysis with different hyperparameters in the sensitivity analysis.

cell_line: [SKBR3, EFM192A] The cell line used for a given condition.

drug_check: QC check that merge performed properly.


batch: The experimental batch identifier. Each batch has it's own set of sensitive and resistant controls.

pc1_coef: Batch PCx adjustment; Fit regression using controls: PCx ~ batch.

pc1_pval: Batch PCx significance via ANOVA; Fit regression using controls: PCx ~ batch.

pc2_coef: Batch PCx adjustment; Fit regression using controls: PCx ~ batch.

pc2_pval: Batch PCx significance via ANOVA; Fit regression using controls: PCx ~ batch.

run_id: Unique analysis identifier; necessary for distinguishing results from different analysis with different hyperparameters in the sensitivity analysis.