##Description Leaflet Focus Overlay is a plugin for the fantastic Leaflet javascript library. It's designed to draw special attention to whatever marker has been clicked by the user. Give it a test drive.
##Using the plugin Here's how you instantiate the plugin:
That's it! Well, you're almost done. You need to define somethings in your stylesheet as well. On to the next section!
( Btw, map
is the variable you instantiated L.map() with. )
##Less Mixin explained The mixin has 5 parameters: bg-color, width, height, iconOffset. The width and height are however big you want the overlay to be, so in this case I chose 550px and 550px, respectively. The iconOffset compensates for the height of the icon, so that way when the overlay is present it doesn't look offcenter. fallbackImage is the image you'd like to fallback to in case the browser doesn't support CSS3 Radial gradients.
All that being said, Enjoy!