Robustness and Macaque Primary Visual Cortex

Our preprint is located here:

To install the repository, follow these steps:

  1. Create a virtual environment for this project (for example): python3.6 -m venv robust_v1_env
  2. Activate the environment: source robust_v1_env/bin/activate
  3. Clone the repository: git clone
  4. Change your working directory: cd robustness_primary_visual_cortex
  5. Install the required packages: pip install -e .
  6. Navigate to robust_spectrum/core/ and modify the directories in to the location of your data.
  7. Navigate to robust_spectrum/configs/ and modify the directories found in each configuration file if training models is desired (read the description at the top of the configuration file first).

Note: In the below, /PATH/TO/IMAGENET/ is a directory containing the ImageNet images in JPEG format. The directory structure is: /PATH/TO/IMAGENET/{train,val}/CATEGORIES/*.JPEG.

Neural Predictions on Macaque V1 data

  1. cd robust_spectrum/neural_predictions
  2. Run (for example): CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --neural-dataset cadena_all --num-splits 20 --results-dir ./ --imagenet-dir /PATH/TO/IMAGENET/ --model-arch alexnet --map-type pls --memmap-dir ./ --njobs 5 --trained

The above command would use GPU 0 to extract features from a trained AlexNet. Twenty train-test splits would be constructed and PLS regression would be the linear map used. The results would be saved into robust_spectrum/neural_predictions and five jobs would be used to parallelize the neural fits across train-test splits. --memmap-dir is only to help with parallelization (but remember to delete files located there because a lot of memory could be used!). The path to the ImageNet validation set images is needed for performing PCA on the model features.

Computing Power Law Exponents of Biological Neural Responses

  1. cd robust_spectrum/eig_analysis
  2. Run this command to compute the power law exponent of the macaque V1 responses to natural scenes: python --neural-dataset cadena_natural --results-dir ./
  3. Run this command to compute the power law exponent of the mouse V1 responses to natural scenes: python --neural-dataset stringer --results-dir ./

The commands in 2. and 3. compute the power law exponents to the macaque V1 neural responses and mouse V1 responses to natural scenes. The results are saved in robust_spectrum/eig_analysis.

Computing Power Law Exponents of Artificial Neural Responses

  1. cd robust_spectrum/eig_analysis
  2. Run (for example): CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --model-arch alexnet --stim-dataset imagenet --imagenet-dir /PATH/TO/IMAGENET/ --num-subsets 3 --results-dir ./ --trained

The above command would use GPU 0 to extract features from a trained AlexNet in response to a set of ImageNet images. Three random subsets from the ImageNet validation set would be used to obtain three different power law exponents for each layer of AlexNet. The results would be saved into robust_spectrum/eig_analysis. You can change the --model-arch to whatever desired model you want.

Computing Tuning Curves and Scoring Each Model With Respect to Cells in the Foveal Area of Macaque V1

  1. cd robust_spectrum/tuning
  2. To compute tuning curves, run (for example): CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --model-arch alexnet --stim-type gabor --results-dir ./ --trained
  3. To score the model, run the command (this assumes that neural fits have been performed for the model already): python --model-arch alexnet --neural-fit-results-dir /PATH/TO/NEURAL/FIT/RESULTS/ --tuning-curves-dir ./ --num-experiments 1000 --num-samples 150 --fov 6.4

The command in 2. computes the tuning curves for each artificial neuron in each layer of a trained AlexNet using GPU 0 and saves the tuning curves in robust_spectrum/tuning. The command in 3. computes how well AlexNet's preferred spatial frequency distribution matches that of cells in the foveal area of macaque V1 (using data from De Valois et al., 1982). Assuming that you used the command in the previous sections to perform neural predictions, /PATH/TO/NEURAL/FIT/RESULTS/ would be replaced with ../neural_predictions/cadena_all_pls/. 1000 in-silico experiments would be performed on the model and in each experiment, a random sample of 150 artificial neurons (where each is one of the "center neurons" in the activations matrix) is obtained to create the model layer's distribution of preferred spatial frequencies.

Computing the Adversarial Robustness of Models

  1. cd robust_spectrum/robustness_eval
  2. Run the command: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --type Linf --model-arch alexnet --imagenet-dir /PATH/TO/IMAGENET/ --trained --results-dir ./

This would compute the adversarial robustness of a trained AlexNet using all 50000 ImageNet validation set images against L-inf perturbations of norms: [0., 1./1020, 1./255, 4./255]. If --type is set to L2, then the perturbations would be of norms: [0., 0.15, 0.6, 2.4]. If --type is set to L1, then the perturbations would be of norms: [0., 40., 160., 640.].

Training ResNet-50 on TRADES or Input Gradient Regularization (IGR)

  1. Look at the configuration files in robust_spectrum/configs/ and make sure the values in the config dictionary are desired (e.g., where to save model checkpoints, the location of ImageNet, etc.)
  2. cd robust_spectrum
  3. To train the model on one GPU to minimize the TRADES loss, run: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --config configs/
  4. To train the model on one GPU to minimize the IGR loss, run: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --config configs/

Note that you may need to use more GPUs, so you would set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES as desired.