Dead-simple vertical partitioning, compression, appends, and consolidation of data on a distributed filesystem.
- 1
- 7
add parquet support
#46 opened by sorenmacbeth - 1
NPE on Windows
#52 opened by gammay - 2
Problem with pail consolidation on HDFS
#49 opened by juliankeppel - 0
Querying pail data files using Mapreduce
#55 opened by pankug - 0
A VersionedTap overrides mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.inputdir without taking in account the previous values
#50 opened by bqm - 9
Problems creating pails on s3
#10 opened by whoahbot - 1
- 6
NPE in VersionedTap.sourceConfInit
#39 opened by mikegagnon - 2
- 0
- 0
Exception in .cleanupTapMetaData
#34 opened by sritchie - 2
Snapshot doesn't allow injection of a FileSystem to use for the snapshot destination
#31 opened by dkincaid - 1
Snapshot fails if process can't write to /tmp
#30 opened by dkincaid - 0
PailTap doesn't create random file names
#29 opened by fkautz - 0
Implement Snappy compression for Pail
#7 opened by sritchie - 0
- 0
- 6
Problems consolidating HDFS pail
#12 opened by derrickburns - 2
- 0
ClassFiles for Consolidator
#22 opened by rahulrv1980 - 0
Absorb after Consolidation doesn't work!
#21 opened by derrickburns - 4
Implementing shredding of BigData book ch 6.4 pail ok pailtap failing in jcascalog in hadoop under EMR
#19 opened by ljackson - 1
- 0
VersionedTap should take a "cleanup" parameter.
#13 opened by sritchie - 0
convert tests from junit to clojure.test
#1 opened by nathanmarz - 4
- 1
project.clj dependencies
#9 opened by duarten - 0
- 0
Pail can't have relative paths
#6 opened by brugidou - 3
Pail can't handle non-comparable types
#4 opened by sritchie