
Display Neovim LSP diagnostics in ALE.

Primary LanguageLua


⚠️ Deprecated: I've since moved to using Neovim's built-in diagnostics with null-ls instead of ALE and no longer have the time to maintain this plugin. Please feel free to fork this repo if you still find it useful!

Routes Neovim LSP diagnostics to ALE for display. Useful if you like to manage all your errors in the same way.


  • Neovim nightly
  • ALE


Plug 'nathanmsmith/nvim-ale-diagnostic'
" or, if you use a Vim 8 package manager
call packager#add('nathanmsmith/nvim-ale-diagnostic', {'type': 'opt'})
packadd nvim-ale-diagnostic
" or your favorite package manager here
" ...

lua require("lsp")

Then, put the following in a Lua file at nvim/lua/lsp/init.lua:


vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
  vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
    underline = false,
    virtual_text = false,
    signs = true,
    update_in_insert = false,


  • underline and virtual_text are configurable, but you should probably disable them and configure those features through ALE.
  • The default Neovim diagnostic signs are overriden by this plugin.