
Kubernetes job scheduler that is easy to use and manage.


An easy to use, easy to manage, Kubernetes job scheduler.


The original inspiration/impotus for this project was some organizational difficulty in making the jump from Heroku to Kubernetes.

Heroku provides a free add-on that allows you to quickly and easily schedule recurring jobs/tasks using a GUI. Since tasks run off of your applications base image no additional configuration is necessary beyond the actual command to run and the schedule.



  • Run a recurring scheduled job based on an existing Deployment with no additional app config required.
  • Run a recurring scheduled job based on any container in a Container Registry with independent config.
  • Manage scheduled jobs via a UI.
  • Manage scheduled jobs via kubectl.
  • Access logs for all jobs.
  • Easily visualize recent job run times and statuses in a monitoring dashboard.
  • Exposed Prometheus /metrics scrape endpoint that individual jobs can push metrics to.