
Collection of shell (bash, zsh) tab completion scripts for various command line tools

Primary LanguageShell

Collection of shell tab completion scripts for various command line tools

These scripts are automatically generated from YAML files which can be found under specs/.

The format supports nested subcommands, specifying enums for possible parameters/option values and dynamic completion calling an external command.

The generation is done with the appspec tool (see https://github.com/perlpunk/App-AppSpec-p5 for installation and usage)

Currently it supports bash and zsh completions.

List of commands

  • cpan-upload - upload a distribution to the CPAN
  • cpan - easily interact with CPAN from the command line
  • cpanm - Install CPAN modules
  • dzil - do stuff with your dist
  • hypnotoad - Hypnotoad HTTP and WebSocket server
  • jq - Command-line JSON processor
  • json_pp - JSON::PP command utility
  • json_xs - JSON::XS commandline utility
  • lwp-request - Simple command line user agent
  • morbo - Morbo HTTP and WebSocket development server
  • mpath - display the full path to a perl module (installed locally)
  • pip - A tool for installing and managing Python packages
  • plackup - Run PSGI application with Plack handlers
  • starman - High-performance preforking PSGI/Plack web server
  • tower-cli - Ansible Tower Commandline
  • ysh - The YAML Test Shell


git clone https://github.com/perlpunk/shell-completions


Look into the spec/commandname.yaml for specific usage instructions.


Put this in your .bashrc:

for i in /path/to/shell-completions/bash/*.bash; do source $i; done


Put this in your .zshrc:

# before the compinit call
fpath=('/path/to/shell-completions/zsh' $fpath)

Now exec zsh.

If you just updated an existing completion script, it's enough to source it:

source /path/to/shell-completions/zsh/_scriptname

See Also