
ExpressionEngine Add-on

Primary LanguagePHP


Wrap anything you want to be processed between the tag pairs.

{exp:char_limit total="100" exact="no"}
	text you want processed

The "total" parameter lets you specify the number of characters. The "exact" parameter will truncate the string exact to the "limit" The "strip_tags" parameter will remove any HTML tags from the input string The "force_ellipses" parameter will add ellipses to the output when exact is used and the result is trimmed

Note: When exact="no" this tag will always leave entire words intact so you may get a few additional characters than what you specify.

Change Log

  • 1.3
    • Add "force_ellipses" parameter
  • 1.2
    • Add "exact" parameter
  • 1.1
    • Updated plugin to be 2.0 compatible