
ExpressionEngine plugin. Convert between category name, category id and category url title.

Primary LanguagePHP


Version 1.1.1

  • Requires: ExpressionEngine 2


Convert between category name, category id and category url title. Query results are cached, so you can use the same tag multiple times in your template without additional overhead.


  1. Create a folder called 'cat2' inside ./system/expressionengine/third_party/
  2. Move the file pi.cat2.php into the folder


  • {exp:cat2:id}
  • {exp:cat2:name}
  • {exp:cat2:url_title}


  • category_url_title=
  • category_name=
  • category_id=
  • category_group=
  • debug="yes|no"

##Example use:

category_id from category_url_title:

{exp:cat2:id category_url_title="my_category" category_group="5"}

category_id from category_name:

{exp:cat2:id category_name="my category" category_group="5"}

category_name from category_id:

{exp:cat2:name category_id="25" category_group="5"}

category_name from category_url_title:

{exp:cat2:name category_url_title="my_category" category_group="5"}

category_url_title from category_id:

{exp:cat2:url_title category_id="25" category_group="5"}

category_url_title from category_name:

{exp:cat2:url_title category_name="my category" category_group="5"}

Can also be used as a tag pair, e.g.:

{exp:cat2:id category_url_title="my_category" category_group="5" parse="inward"}

{exp:cat2:name category_id="25" category_group="5" parse="inward"}

{exp:cat2:url_title category_id="25" category_group="5" parse="inward"}