
Primary LanguageC++


This is (yet another) GUI library, primarily intended for games and other graphical applications.

I want a UI library for hobbyist game development that is simple to embed in any programming language, that is is platform agnostic, and is not dependent on any particular rendering backend, input handling system or whatever. It should follow a design that is easy to separate from the rest of the program, and state should be explicitly managed: I am not overly fond of the IMGUI paradigm.

The design should be guided by the following principles:

  • Retained mode of operation. The call stack is not a GUI data structure.
  • Narrow API for ease of embedding.
  • No dependencies. Provide abstractions where necessary which can be supplied by the caller.
    • But don't go crazy. Use of C++ and its standard library is OK internally.
  • Header-only for ease of integration. This allows the consumer to decide how the code is built.
  • Functionality can be limited, but should be as complete as possible.

The closest thing to what I want is nuklear, but I found the API to be too wide for easy embedding, and I would prefer not to have the GUI so tightly coupled to the code. This probably still doesn't justify rolling my own, but there you go! I think it might also have had difficulties with game pads due to its nature.

The design so far

The key to easy integration is to have a narrow API. As much functionality as possible should be made to fit general concepts that map easily to other programming languages - and consumption of the interface that is exposed should be as simple as possible.

What I've got at the moment is a hand-written C interface wrapping a C++ implementation. This means that the consumer's build system needs to know how to build C++, but not all of their calling code does, which I think is the important thing. This means that I can write code using the C++ standard library, but the client doesn't necessarily need to know about it. A more purist approach would use C all the way down as per nuklear, but I don't have the time or the will.

The C interface exposes some abstract interfaces using structs filled with function pointer, as per the fairly well-known idiom. This allows the same generic 'property-setting' interface to be use to configure widgets, and potentially for data-binding - or at least that's the idea.

The general idea is that the application exposes a 'data model' by implementing the property-getting-and-setting interface, and widget values are mapped to this via some sort of expression evaluation.

The application thus doesn't need to talk to the API about what the GUI is supposed to look like. It just presents data.

The interfaces themselves are specified either via a narrow API like so:

// psuedocode
widget_id create_widget();
properties* get_widget_properties(widget_id);
properties->set_int("position_x", 10);

or by providing a ui definition file like so:

// pseudocode with made-up properties
form inventory {
  title: "Inventory"
  resizable: "true"
  layout: "auto"
  grid items {
    binding: "player.items"

leaving the library to sort out the details. This probably introduces as many questions as it answers: how will the application control the appearance of the UI? Who evaluates the expressions? What about when the values change? What about a bidirectional mapping?

These are all things that need thinking about, but here are some vague answers:

  1. The library will provide a sensible default appearance, but this will be customisable by the application. Also the rendering of the GUI is the responsibility of the application, although the library will provide as much help as possible. This might mean outputing 'drawing commands' as per nuklear, or it might mean something more abstract to facillitate custom animations, transitions and so on.
  2. Expressions in the ui files that are supposed to resolved to data items are evaluated by the application, which supplies an interface implementation to do so. This should include the concept of 'compiling' an expression to provide the opportunity to avoid lots of repeated parsing.
  3. The expression language is under the control of the application, so only it can truly know what needs updating - but it should be provided with a model for doing so; perhaps expressions could be queried as to whether they think they have changed.
  4. A widget should be able to tell the application that it has been 'triggered' or edited, and supply the details. The application can then respond by updating its data. I think this should be conveyed as output from the function that supplies input to the UI, given the application control over what happens.

Custom widgets

Can the application add new widget types or otherwise customise the behaviour of widgets?


If new types of widget are needed, they can be implemented in the library.

Custom widgets - no, really?

I think there is one concession: the application might want to embed a 'graphics area' or otherwise do some custom rendering to visualise a GUI element. For instance, an inventory item might display a rotating 3d preview of a sword or whatever.

I think I definitely want to support this sort of custom rendering (somehow!) but such widgets should not have custom behaviour.

Or, mark out an area as unmanaged by the GUI, so input events in there will be ignored, and where the application can do its own rendering.

I think these capabilities are actually quite important - this library is for graphics-driven applications, and where else will you find a need for embedded graphics?

Generating GUI from data

If the application is exposing its data model, can we just generate GUI from it?

It would be good to have some form of this, e.g. for 'editing' GUIs. It would look like so:

form editor {
  auto properties {
    binding: "selected_object.properties"

The 'auto' widget constructs the necessary child widgets to handle editing all of the data exposed by the property to which it is bound.

This would imply a need to add some extra metadata to properties to allow the library to choose appropriate controls for editing them e.g. valid ranges.

How is input going to work?

I imagine it will be similar to nuklear: you translate your framework's input into something that the library can understand and pass it in. The output from this will be a set of actions for the application to respond to.

It's not clear whether the library needs to know about sound, or if it can simply tell the application 'you hovered over a button' allowing it to decide what to do.

How is styling going to work?

There should be a servicable 'default' style. It should be possible to provide a 'stylesheet' to customise the appearance of all widgets. It might be necessary for very special styles for certain widgets (e.g. the big boss health bar...) which would imply a need for widget 'classes' (as per css) as well as types. It should not be as powerful as css though.

Note also that because rendering is provided by the application, it's not clear how the 'stylesheet' should refer to outside assets. Nuklear for instance has the concept of a 'texture', which allows you to smuggle in an id that can be used by opengl later, without the library really knowing what it is.

So really how this is actually going to function depends on exactly how we do rendering, what we delegate to the application, and how exactly we delegate it.

How is rendering going to work?

Either output a sequence of 'draw commands' as per nuklear, or design something more abstract that allows the application to, for instance, provide custom transitions and animations. It might be that the drawing commands are the way to go, and that there is a way to get sufficient information for the application to make clever decisions in the draw command output.

There will need to be some conception of font rendering, which is a can of worms, but must be doable. One lesson I learned writing a pygame binding for nuklear is you really don't want a callback that is called once per character. But overall, the graphics side of nuklear is very pleasant to use and should serve as a benchmark.

Need to take care that there's not too much work being created for the application. As I said with nuklear, it's quite pleasant in that regard.

Another approach

What if I use SWIG? i.e. move away from header-only, write the C++ implementation I was planning on writing anyway and use THAT as the interface through use of SWIG to generate the wrapping?

Building the example program

mkdir _build
cd _build
cmake ..
cd ..
cmake --build _build