
Basic starter code for programming the seeed LoRa E-5

Primary LanguageMakefile

LoRa E5

The LoRa E5 is a LoRa capable device build by Seeed and STM formally known as STM32WLE5JCIx. This project is meant to kick start LoRaWAN end-node applications built on the Seeed LoRa E5.
Disclaimer: There is still a lot that I do not understand about the STM32WLE5JCIx chip and it is likely that some things may be configured.

This starter is based on the STM32CubeWL project created by STM

Setting up the development environment

Other tools

Important folders and files


  • /Core/Src/main.c - Main program body
  • /Core/Src/adc.c - This file provides code for the configuration of the ADC instances.
  • /Core/Src/adc_if.c - Read status related to the chip (battery level, VREF, chip temperature)
  • /Core/Src/dma.c - This file provides code for the configuration of all the requested memory to memory DMA transfers.
  • /Core/Src/rtc.c - This file provides code for the configuration of the RTC instances.
  • /Core/Src/stm32wlxx_hal_msp.c - This file provides code for the MSP Initialization and de-Initialization codes.
  • /Core/Src/stm32wlxx_it.c - Interrupt Service Routines.
  • /Core/Src/stm32_lpm_if.c - Low layer function to enter/exit low power modes (stop, sleep)
  • Core/Src/subghz.c - This file provides code for the configuration of the SUBGHZ instances.
  • /Core/Src/system_stm32wlxx.c - CMSIS Cortex Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File
  • /Core/Src/sys_app.c - Initializes HW and SW system entities (not related to the radio)
  • /Core/Src/sys_debug.c - Enables 4 debug pins for internal signals RealTime debugging
  • /Core/Src/sys_sensors.c - Manages the sensors on the application
  • /Core/Src/timer_if.c - Configure RTC Alarm, Tick and Calendar manager
  • /Core/Src/usart.c - This file provides code for the configuration of the USART instances.
  • /Core/Src/usart_if.c - Configuration of UART driver interface for hyperterminal communication
  • /Core/inc/ - Contains the projects .h files


  • / Debug/STM32WLE5JCIx.hex - the compiled binary for the project.


>BSP libraries and any other external drivers that you need to interface go in here.



  • /LoRaWAN/App/lora_app.c - Application of the LRWAN Middleware
  • /LoRaWAN/App/app_lorawan.c - Application of the LRWAN Middleware
  • /LoRaWAN/App/lora_info.c - To give info to the application about LoRaWAN configuration
  • /LoRaWAN/Target/radio_board_if.c - This file provides an interface layer between MW and Radio



Other notes