nussl demo via poetry2nix

This repo packages a simple interactive source separation demo from nussl using poetry2nix (live coding video explanation & blog post explanation).

Nix provides Python & Poetry (plus other external dependencies like sox). Poetry provides python dependencies.

to try yourself

This requires having Nix installed. See install instructions here.

> git clone
> cd nussl-demo-via-poetry2nix
# activates new shell w/ external dependencies - python, poetry, sox
> nix-shell

# in nix-shell
# installs python libraries - nussl, numpy, scipy, etc.
$ poetry install
# runs the `start` script from `pyproject.toml`
$ poetry run start

If you have direnv & nix-direnv installed you can skip the nix-shell step, all Nix dependencies will be automatically loaded and unloaded as you cd in and out of the folder.


  • test the packaging/docker steps