
An example starter application based on React.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

T7 React Starter

This is where we tinker with our approach to React projects.

Note: Depending on how Node is set up on your machine, you may need to prefix the following commands with sudo.

To get this project running…

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. cd into the local directory.
  3. Type npm install.
  4. Type npm start.

It should then be viewable at…


To run unit tests on the React components…

  1. cd into the local directory.
  2. Type npm run test

After the tests run, assuming everything is successful, you can view reports related to JS and CSS here…

  • JS — /coverage/lcov-report/index.html
  • CSS — /sass-lint.html

To build the starter app to static files…

  1. cd into the local directory.
  2. Type npm start.
  3. Type npm run build.